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Stations Producers Viewers Press Educators Fall Marketplace APT Worldwide

Producers’ Professional Development Session 1 sponsored by Video Express - includes experts and success stories focusing on AI, Music Use and Clearances, Finance and Underwriting

WHERE: Center Street Room B/C

9:30AM - 10:15AM – “Rock On: Music Clearance and More"
With over 25 years of high-level music industry experience, Lauren Koch will share invaluable knowledge and help producers ensure they have a solid understanding of how to work with composers and music rights organizations. She's passionate about music and the people who create it -- and will be ready to answer your questions. More sessions will be announced soon!

10:15AM - 10:35AM – Networking break

10:40AM - 11:30AM – “Money Talks”
Frustrating yet empowering, and the pursuit can be maddening — none of our good work happens without money. Join our panelists and learn about innovative approaches that are happening through crowdfunding, local outreach, and collaboration. Robert Pirello (Christina Cooks), Keith Ochwat (Show&Tell), Laura Azevedo (Filmmakers Collaborative) and others share alternative strategies for success. We’ll also cover what it means to work within public media’s noncommercial environment while pursuing distribution.

11:30AM - 12:15PM – "Harnessing AI: A Partner in Production"
This session will demystify AI’s role in film production, from planning through post-production. Joshua Young, an experienced producer/editor, award-winning screenwriter, and AI consultant specializing in ethical integration, will lead the session and explore the incredible potential of AI to enhance your creative process — supporting artists, not replacing them. You'll discover how to effectively and ethically utilize AI as a powerful production tool that complements and elevates any team’s workflow — regardless of size or budget.

Download the full Producers' Professional Development Agenda>>

About the sponsor: Video Express has been a producer’s best asset since 1982, providing technical support and finished deliverables, legalizing video and audio, offering Closed Captioning services, and performing technical evaluations. Contact our experts. We are ready to join your team!  Call 617-267-7900 or email to start the conversation.

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